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Teresa A Harrison

Sources of Information in Maiden

Pelagianism A History of the Irish Church 400-700 A.D

“Heretical” Beliefs

One reason for the priests strong arming the populace, may have been a directive from St. Augustine (354-430 C.E.), Bishop of Hippo,...

Soldiers and Priests and The Attacks

There are several references to the ‘soldiers’, ‘black-coats’ and ‘priests’ attacking the women as they celebrated the rites of spring....

Addendum to Maiden

Additional information and Sources, etc. for Maiden, Book One of The LightWalker Series C.E. = Current Era, formerly A.D. B.C.E. = Before...

Welcome to My Blog World

Greetings from a land far away. Well, not that far away, but it sounded good. This is my first blog for my new book, Maiden. Actually,...

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